Monday, January 22, 2007

Sunday I woke at 5.00am and having looked outside I noticed it was clear, so I decided to avoid the temptation to get more sleep and wait up for Jupiter to rise. By 6.30am the sky had clouded over :o(

Today, at 4.30pm the sky was perfect, but I had work to do, I thought I'd be OK for a couple of hours and anyway Saturn would be a while to rise. By 8.30pm when I had finished working, guess what? More clouds!

I have to get up early in the morning to catch a train at 7.00am so will soon be off to bed as it will be a long day.



  1. Bad luck mitch getting up in the morning is allways a bad one. Did you get any snow?


  2. Just got back from a working day trip to York! Got up at 5.00am so am feeling pretty well pegged out, it's nice and clear here at the minute but I haven't the energy to get the scope out (and I haven't eaten yet).


  3. It was snowing as my train pulled into York at 9.00am but it had cleared by 9.30.

    I'm looking out of the window back home right now and it's snowing here now.

    Winter at last, despite the lack of a clear sky I'm glad that we seem to be having a "normal" winter now.

