Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Just looked out to see a superbly thin crescent moon to the west, lovely sight, still twilight at the moment so will hopefully see more later.



  1. Mitch,

    Glad to see your comment about the moon, I was out enjoying the same beautiful crescent from Boise last evening. Saturn is a beautiful early evening sight too.


  2. Hi Jeff,

    Nice to hear from you, didn't spot Saturn the other night but new it was on show, the moon was especially thin from my location.

    I really am desperate to get the scope out but it is being stored in my woodworking shop and I know that once I get it out of the box it will stay that way and get covered in sawdust.

    Before we moved house I was contemplating building cases for the OTA, mount and tripod along the line of flight cases. I was having difficulty though in finding suppliers of the hardware and understanding what/how to construct them. So if anyone knows about building flight cases I'd appreciate some advice.

